News ニュース

2024.07.04 お知らせ

速報!「1ミシュランキー(ミシュラン1つ星) 獲得」- Awarded The Michelin Key

この度 THE TOWER HOTEL NAGOYAはミシュランガイドが選出する「ミシュランキー」のセレクションにおいて、



このような得難い喜びに触れることができましたのも、ひとえに旧名古屋テレビ塔を愛し、THE TOWER HOTEL NAGOYAをご愛顧くださる皆様のおかげでございます。戦後復興のシンボルとして1954年に開業し人々に勇気と希望を与えた名古屋テレビ塔はこれまで、一体どれほど多くの愛情を受けてきたのでしょうか。そして2020年に世界初のホテルリノベーションを成功させ、たくさんのお客様に感動をいただいてまいりました。その積み重ねが今回の評価につながっていることは言うまでもございません。



Breaking News! The TOWER HOTEL NAGOYA has been awarded The Michelin Key!

THE TOWER HOTEL NAGOYA has been awarded 1 Michelin Key in the Michelin Guide’s “Michelin Key” selection.

We were also selected as one of the The Most Unique Japanese Key Hotels That Defy Categorization!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who love the old Nagoya TV Tower and patronize THE TOWER HOTEL NAGOYA for making it possible for us to experience such an unparalleled pleasure. How much love has been given to the Nagoya TV Tower, which opened in 1954 as a symbol of postwar reconstruction and gave people courage and hope? In 2020, the world’s first hotel renovation was successfully completed, and many guests have been moved by the success of the renovation. Needless to say, the accumulation of these efforts has led to this recognition.

We will not rest on our laurels, but will continue to evolve as a small luxury hotel, offering new discoveries and experiences each time you visit, and we all look forward to welcoming you.

We would like to thank everyone who has been associated with us.


レストランにおけるミシュランの星のように、MICHELIN Keyは世界中の優れたホテルを紹介する指標となります。

世界中で5,000軒以上の宿泊施設を紹介しているミシュランガイドホテルセレクション。この度、優れたホテルや体験を提供する宿泊施設をハイライトするために、2024年より新たな評価基準であるMICHELIN Keyを導入します。

「MICHELIN Keyは、旅行者にとって便利で、信頼できる評価基準です。ミシュランの星が素晴らしいレストランを示すのと同様に、MICHELIN Keyは世界中の優れたホテルを示します。この指標は、情熱あふれるホテルスタッフのチームワークを評価するものでもあります」。



1. ホテル自体が旅の目的地であり、その土地ならではの体験ができる

2. 素晴らしい建築とインテリアデザイン

3. 施設の個性やユニークな特徴を反映した独自性がある

4. サービスの質、快適性、メンテナンスが行き届いている

5. 価格に見合った体験ができる

毎年、独立したプロフェッショナルチームによって選ばれるMICHELIN Key。ミシュランガイドの匿名のセレクションチームの宿泊体験に基づき評価されます。

In the spirit of the MICHELIN Star, the MICHELIN Key recognizes the most exceptional hotels throughout the world.

The MICHELIN Guide teams have selected more than 5,000 hotels and accommodations around the world. To highlight establishments offering exceptional hotel and travel experiences, the MICHELIN Guide unveils the MICHELIN Key, a special distinction which will be implemented from 2024. “The MICHELIN Key is a clear, reliable indication for travelers. Just as the MICHELIN Star distinguishes those restaurants that are at the peak of their art, the MICHELIN Key recognizes the most exceptional hotels throughout the world. It is also an acknowledgment of the teamwork of committed enthusiastic hospitality professionals,” says Gwendal Poullennec, International Director of the MICHELIN Guide.

After 4 years of work, the MICHELIN Guide teams have rethought their hotel selection. Like restaurants, the MICHELIN Guide intends to independently recommend establishments that constitute true destinations. The Guide puts its expertise at the service of travelers to support them in their search for personalized experiences. In response to the hyper standardization of accommodation (design, interior decoration, attention to detail in the room, etc.), we wish to arouse the emotion of customers by directing them towards establishments that excel in all areas—architectural choices, the art of craftsmanship and detail to doing a job, and asserting your own personality.

The new selection of the MICHELIN Guide recommends more than 5,000 remarkable hotels in 120 countries, with varied price ranges and diverse styles. It is based on 5 criteria:

A destination unto itself: the hotel contributes to the local experience

Excellence in architecture and interior design

Quality and regularity of service, comfort and maintenance

Singularity reflecting the personality of the establishment, its unique character

Consistency between the quality of the experience and the price paid

Each year, the MICHELIN Key will distinguish exceptional establishments led by teams with unique forms of knowledge. The MICHELIN Key will be awarded following one or several stays conducted anonymously by The MICHELIN Guide selection teams.